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来源:国际部 发布日期:2016-03-23




  回忆起这两次主持人经历,韩笑同学非常感谢学校的培养和给予的机会: This was certainly a unique experience as I got the opportunity from my school(TFLS) to interact with many students from all over China and also meet many well-known figures in our community who were judges during the competition. It was certainly wonderful to see all the contestants’ outstanding performances. I truly believe that it brought many fascinating ideas and global perspectives into one room. The young generation is the future of our world and I would recommend this competition to anyone who is a lover of English and who enjoys public speaking.

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版权所有:天津外国语大学附属外国语学校 网络信息中心
学校地址:天津市河北区南口路11号 邮编:300230 津ICP备05003055 津教备0022