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来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-12-08









Dear teachers and schoolmates:

Good morning.

Nov. 9th is the National Firefighting day. When we talk about this number, we absolutely think of the fire alarm telephone number at once. when the fire disasters occurred, somebody survived luckily, and also, somebody lost their lives unfortunately. We must realize that life is of most importance, and then, we must know some firefighting common sense well.

We, who lived and studied in the campus, should always keep the 119 in mind and improve the awareness and skills of the firefighting. I hope we can know the reason of causing fire disaster and never play with fire. What’s more, we should know how to dial the fire alarm, and how to save ourselves on the fire spot.

Life is a very short process and it just like a shooting star sliding in the sky. Let’s love and cherish our life, let’s look forward to tomorrow and realize our dreams. Let’s the safety awareness stay in our mind forever and let the love and mercy dazzle our splendid life.

Thanks for your listening.

Class One, Grade Eight

November 7th

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