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来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-12-08














The Revolution of 1911

Dear teachers and school mates:

Good morning! It has been a week since the Autumn Sports Meet was hold. I believe everyone remembers the efforts that our athletes made on this sports ground. No matter they won or not, they were our heroes. Because they once tried their best to bring the glory to their classes and at the same time made this Autumn Sports Meet incredibly splendid.

Today, there are also a group of people that we should pay tribute to: the heroes in the Revolution of 1911. Under the oppression of these bureaucratic might, those heroes stood out to fight. They sacrificed their own lives to give the feudal autocracy a lethal strike and finally devastated the feudal society ruled by the Qing Dynasty for more than tow hundred and sixty years. The bourgeois-democratic republic nation---The Republic of China, was established.

We consider the Revolution of 1911 as remarkable because its ultimate goal is to fight against the feudal autocracy and establish a new democratic and republic nation. This revolution liberated people’s thought to a great degree in both political and spiritual aspect , and which brought the flush of dawn to Chinese society. Since then, nationalism, democracy, and people’s livelihood have been deeply rooted in people’s mind. The emergence of several new Chinese factories and companies made the moribund society vibrant again. The slogan “Save the nation by getting engaged in industry” urged more and more businessmen to change their trading companies into technological factories. Many feudal customs were abolished. Chinese people began to set out for a brand new life.

Today,we commemorate the revolution of 1911 not only because of the prominent achievement of the revolution and the immortality of these warriers who died in this battle, but also because of the spiritual fortune: the spirit of the Revolution of 1911.

There’s an old saying in China which says: Although Chu kingdom owns few lands, it can still destroy Qin Dynasty. The first merit you have to inherit from the spirit of the Revolution of 1911 is patriotism. In contemporary society, we raise the flag of patriotism to gather people’s intelligence and power in order to achieve the great renaissance of the Chinese nation. The next character that we have to learn is the spirit of innovation. Nowadays, no matter in technological or economical area, we should spread innovation spirit because this spirit owns creativity and can strive us to explore a new era. Last but not least, we have to inherit the spirit of unity. Today, as teenage students, we should adopt this attitude. Work as a group, cooperate with others. Because cooperation is the most efficient way to success. Only by becoming united  and stepping forward together can we become stronger and better.

We, junior and senior school students, should not be satisfied with the temporary  comfort. We have to move on. It is not enough only to consider about these daily affairs. We have to look ahead upon our future life and focuse on the causes. This life is ours, so we should make good plans for it. And also, when we are thinking further, we should think big. Think about the country’s future and what you can do to improve it. Your pursuit is the most valuable only when it shares the same direction with the country’s development. Every teenager should have a greater pursuit, should devote himself to causes which benefit people. Dedicating yourselves to philanthropy can let you do beneficial things to society and meanwhile realize your value of life.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a hundred and five years ago, Mr.Sun Yat-sen raised the war cry “Revitalize the Chinese nation”. And today, we are the generation who’s mission is to realize this ambition . Dear teachers and school mates, let’s swear to our ancestors: we will inherit the spirit of the Revolution of 1911 and let it be  passed on through generations.

Thank you.

Class Five, Senior Two, 

October 10th, 2016. 

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