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来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-09-28










高晓松说:“生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。” 海纳百川,当我们去了远方,我们便有无限大的视野;登高望远,我们便能瞥见心中的世界。让我们去到远方,去到陌生的地方望一望风景,让我们的视野无限大,让我们的胸怀无限大。


World Tourism Day

September 27th is World Tourism Day, which reminds me of a popular phrase that says: There's such a lot of world to see.

In the history of human being, millions of people started their journeys with their dreams in their heart, leaving legends behind them. Monk XuanZang, wearing cassock, conquering difficulties, A thousand years later, Wu rewrites his legend. Fernando de Magallanes, firmly believing the earth is round, started his journey with hundreds of objections, and finished the journey with his name in every textbook.

Some people would say, the world is rather small these days, with the internet greatly developed, no matter how far away it seemed, we can always look it up on the internet. However, a picture of a flower can tell you how it looks, but can never tell you how it smells. Without travelling, you would never know the excitement of seeing the sun rising above the ocean waves, you would never understand the relief after climbing a perilous peek, you would never feel how it’s like seeing a tiny flower growing on top of a snow-covered mountain. Why not walk around? The world is huge, the least we can do is go see.

The world’s big, I want to go to Niles River and discover the lost civilization, I want to sit in the Colosseum and listen to the moan and grief, I want to go to Louvre Museum and watch Mona Lisa smile, I want to walk across Cambridge and feel the cultures meet.

I don’t know exactly how big the world is, but I do know that over the mountains are endless seas, and across the seas are continuous mountains. Life is not just about survivingit is also about poetry and place farther away. When we look and the world, we’ll see more than that, we’ll be not only seeing sights, but also see the views of our mind.

You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way.

Class 5, Grade 9

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