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来源:德育处 发布日期:2013-04-11





    1  要注意交通安全。没有车闸或没有安全保证的自行车不能上路;不要在人行道、机动车道上骑自行车;要在非机动车道上行驶,在混行道上要靠右边行驶,经过较大陡坡或横穿机动车道时应当推车行走;雨、雪、雾等天气要慢速行驶,转弯时要提前减速慢行

    2  要注意运动安全。上体育课和课外活动前要作好准备活动,运动时要遵照老师的要求,不剧烈碰撞,不违规运动。严防器械伤人。

    3  不玩火、不焚烧废弃物。爱护消防设施。要懂得一些防火知识,遇到险情时,能正确避险。

    4  要注意用电安全,不乱动教室内的电源插座,不要用湿布擦电器开关。信息技术课上要按规定程序操作电脑。强化“防火灾、防触电、防侵害”意识。不随意触摸各种电器,不私拉电线,不在宿舍内使用充电器、热得快、电热毯等电器;





七年三班  李如茵



Dear Teachers and Students :


       Good morning !  Today is safety education day for primary  and secondary school students, so , the topic of my speech is  “strengthen safety consciousness , improve  ability of avoiding danger”.


       Safety is a common problem that we often  talk about  , it is also an eternal problem which exists forever . We always think danger is far away from us  . In fact , NO .  It never disappears , and it is just around us .  According to a survey , in our country ,  there are about more than 40 students  each day who died of food poisoning , drowning , transportation and safety accident . That is the reason why we must keep in mind on safety all the time .



       Here , I would like to teach all of you some safety knowledge :


1.      Pay attention to safety . The bicycle without  brake or security assurance  must not be rid on the road ;  Don’t  ride a bike on the sidewalk and motor vehicle lanes . Don’t  drive a car on the non-motor vehicle lanes .  Keep right  when driving on the mixed-way road . ,  Should  push the bike when passing through a bigger slope or across a motor vehicle road .  Keep slower when rainy day , snowy day , foggy day etc , and also slow down in advance when turning .

2.      Pay attention to sport safety . You need to do  sufficient  preparation before sport lessons and extracurricular activities , follow teacher’s requirement when sporting , don’t touch each other heavily , don’t violate discipline .  Strictly prevent  hurting  others with sports equipment .

3.      Don’t play with fire , don’t burn waste .  Please care fire-fighting device .  You should know some fireproofing common sense ,  to make sure escaping from danger correctly when you encounter dangerous condition .

4.      Pay attention to electrical safety . Don’t touch or remove power outlet , don’t wipe the electrical devices with some wet cloth .  During the computer lessons , please follow the rules to operate .  Strengthen the sense of “Anti-fire  , prevent electric shock , and avoid infringement  ” .   Don ‘t touch all kinds of electrical devices randomly , don’t set up wires without permission ,don’t use charger, heater ,electric blanket  in students house  ;


Thanks for your listening .


Tianjin Foreign Language School


Mar.25th 2013


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