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来源:德育处 发布日期:2013-03-28














My dear teachers and classmates. March 5th is the commemoration day of Lei Feng. As we all know, the great communist and soldier Lei Feng has already become the symbol of kindness. Maybe someone said Lei Feng spirit is totally out-of-date .But in fact ,the essence of it is timeless and immortal. The further society developed, the more precious it becomes. We have to work for both material and spiritual civilization.

Meanwhile, some feels that learning Lei Feng spirit just seems like a blast of wind which comes in March and rushed away in April as soon as possible. Therefore, this time we would like to generalize a conclusion of the essence and let it run through our dailt life:

1.     First of all, learning diligently.

2.     Secondly, taking pleasure in helping others, such as offering seats to the olders and women carrying a baby. We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.

3.     Thirdly, be a polite student. It sounds easy enough , but how many students give regards to teachers under any circumstances? Say hello to teachers next time with a big smile on your face.

4.     Fourthly, learn to save. Nowadays , people waste a lot , they always invite customers on business to the restaurant , exchanging a few words of greeting with the guests and talk about the contract so that no one eats. However ,people concerned a lot about face-saving and reputation , then no one pack the leftover. As a resalt, plenty of dishes are wasted.

5.     Furthermore, unite with all the forces that can be united. From the history of the People’s Republic of China and Communist Party we know that: Union is strength. We should pay attention to the teamwork. The society needs people who can communicate with others.

I believe, Lei Feng spirit is able to enrich our heart ,I believe, learning Lei Feng spirit can help us develop a noble character. I believe ,Lei Feng is no longer alive ,but his spirit of taking pleasure in helping others will stay in our minds forever.

Thank you for your listening.


 (TFLS) Volunteer Organization



  Hola todos.

El espíritu de Lei Feng, se denomina Lei Feng, se ha comertido en el de revolución en el proceso de práctica.Su núcleo consiste en senir el pueblo sin hacer caso el pago.Sin duda alguna es el sinónimo de la civilización espiritual de la época actual.El tiempo paso valando.Preferimos que este espíritu corresponda a la época nueva.Como estudiante de bachillerato, he vuelto a dar explicaciones acerca de este espíritu inmortal.

1.       Es una fácil labor ayudar a otros.Por ejemploceder el asiento a un anciano.

2.       No deperdiciar.

3.       El conocimiento colectivo.Es decir,prendamos a comunicarnos con los compañeros y familiares

4.       El espíritu de clavo.O sea,aprovechan bien el tiempo libre para estudiar.

Nuestro grupo de voluntavios siempre nos hemos comportado según este espíritu.Estoy seguro de que enriquecerá nuestro mundo mental el espíritu de Lei Feng.Mientras tanto te sentirás feliz,prestas ayuda a los demás.


                                               Muchas gracias por su escucha.


Liebe Lehrer und Mitschüler,

guten morgen,Wie wir alle gewusst haben,ist Lei Feng längst für Selbstlostigkeit berühmt.Heute hätte ich gerne an dieser Stelle euch wieder an diesen erwürdigen Menschen erinnern.

In heutiger Zeit ist Lei Feng immer noch unser Vorbild.Zum Beispiel,wir freuen uns dabei,den anderen Hilfe zu geben.Im Bus können wir unsere Sitze den jungen Kindern und Älteren überlassen.Auβerdem sollen wir sparsam sein.Wenn wir im Restaurant essen,sollen wir nicht zu viel bestellen.Oder wenn wir Speisereste haben,bringen wir es nach Hause mit.In Bezug auf Lernen ist Lei Feng auch unser Vorbild.Zum Beispiel,sein Durst nach Wissen.Wir lernen nicht nur von den Büchern,und auch von anderen.Drittens ist die Teamarbeit.Von Lei Feng lernen wir auch,wie wir mit Freunden und Mitschülern gut zusammenarbeiten.

Packen wir die Kleinigkeiten an,ist es nicht schwer,Lei Feng zu erfolgen.Unsere Freiwilliger vertrauen immer darauf.Und es wird uns viele Freude und Vorteile bringen.Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit.


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