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来源:德育处 发布日期:2012-12-12




    历史不会说谎。法律,无疑是一个国家国泰民安的先决条件。在呼唤和平时代到来之际,正义不仅应得到实现,而且要以人们看得见的方式实现。 “法律”是黑色的,因为它在犯罪人面前,意味着判决、处罚;“法律”亦是红色的,因为它对普通民众来说,代表着正义,公平。法律是一扇屏障,保护着公民的人身安全及各项权益;法律更是一条粗大的铁链,紧紧地绑住犯罪分子,让他们无法在这个社会中胡作非为。纽约,这个世界上最繁华的都市,却也是犯罪率最高的恶源。统计表明,平均每五分钟就有一场抢劫案罪恶地上演。犯罪,无疑威胁着我们安定的生活。但我们应当坚信的是,法律永远维护正义。







Nothing will be accomplished without norms or standards. Also, we can further promote the school spirit by keeping the disciplines of school to create a good condition for students secure and healthy lives.

Not only are laws considered as weapons for punishing and executing the evil, but also as balances for maintaining the justice.  The law is acting as an authority which instructs peoples lives, a shelter for the weak, a free manner of claiming their rights and a strong chain which stops the evil from commiting crimes.

As the development of the economy and the progress of the whole society,laws ought to be perfect as well for the sake of keeping pace with the times and providing a better condition for people.Theyre not far away from us.Wherever you are,they are closely related to our life. Thus, we are supposed to access the laws in the course of learning, understanding, obeying and applying it. <Public Code>from France said, These divine laws,have been impressed in our heart,chiseled in our nerves,perfused in our blood,and breathe with us.Theyre our survival,especially the necessity of our happiness.

Abiding by the laws is the basic obligation for modern citizens,the vital requirement of keeping the society harmonious. Under the socialist democracy, it is aimed at benefiting the people to make the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China and some basic rules and regulations. Be honest and trustworthy;dont chase profit at the expense of your values, a part of Eight  Glories Eight Disgraces,is a noble behavior which follows peoples will and protects peoples legal rights.And it would be supported and sympathetic to by populations definitely.This ought to be a kind of honor that everyone pursuit.

A country can not be ruled well without laws, and people can not restrain themselves without it either.In case everyone is law-abiding,then the whole society will be peaceful.No matter how strong the economic power of a country is,having a sound legal system and the people who strictly complied with,only in this way can we call it a powerful country.

Marx said, Code is the Bible of human beingsliberty.May all of us could adhere to laws and may our country be blessed with the power of justice.Thank you!Class One,Senior Two.Nov.26th,2012.


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