
南京大屠杀,拖着沉重的步伐经过了75年。我们怎能忘却, 75年前的这一天,日本侵略者,在中国的土地上横行霸道、肆意妄为,犯下不可磨灭的滔天罪行。我们又怎能忘却,75年前的那一天,残暴的侵略者在中国烧杀掠抢,无恶不作。三十万无辜的南京老百姓们,在短短的一周内,成为了疯狂的刺刀下的牺牲品。
南京大屠杀中遇难的三十万同胞长眠地下,我们在祈愿逝者安息的同时,更要反思我们今天的处境。历史的尘埃渐渐沉淀,今天的我们固然不应该对任何一个国家或者民族抱有敌视的态度,然而这并不意味这过去的伤疤可以被忽略,过去的耻辱可以被忘却。和平与发展是当今世界的主题,然而世界政治的不稳定因素依然存在,我们所面临的国际环境也并不完全乐观。这就意味着我们更不能放松警惕。古人云:“生于忧患,死于安乐。” 中国人的苦难与抗争,求索与奋进,创业与搏击,无不可歌可泣,激励今人,并昭告后世。梁启超说,少年强则国强,少年进步则中国进步。努力学习,奋发向上,这些看似简单的字眼背后,是我们终有一天将要接过的,建设祖国的重任。时代给予我们的要求,不再是几句口号,更不是偏激狭隘的沙文主义,而是理性、切实的爱国,需要我们将爱国的行动铭记在心中,实践在生活中,用知识武装自己的头脑,用开放包容的胸怀走向世界。
The commemoration of the Nanjing Massacre has waded its way through the 75 years since 1937. 75 years ago the Japanese invaders wantonly conducted the indelible brutality on the land of China, demolishing, depredating, and devastating the homeland that the Chinese have thrived for thousands of years. Without any ability to repel, three hundred thousand of innocent commoners were left to the mercy of the inhumane beasts, and perished under the demented bayonets.
Not until August 15, 1945, when the imperial Japan was driven to the unconditional surrender, has China obliterated the history of humiliation. With the century’s disgrace of being oppressed, with 8 years of unceasing combat, with every drop of blood sacrificed, China has won the grand victory of the Anti-Japanese War and has redeemed the esteem the nation deserved. Since then, China has reverted to a compelling nation erected in the east of the world, discarding its past under the suppression of both the federalism and imperialism. The turbulent cloud has faded away, and the dawn has fallen upon us.
Looking up at the fresh red national flag against the glorious sunglow, we are here today in memory of thousands of victims of the Nanjing Massacre and the Anti-Japanese war. The mass that China has sacrificed for the destruction of the Japanese fascism will never sink into oblivion. There’s no reason for us not to cherish the precious peace we enjoy today at the price of the lives of the warriors who have ardently dedicated themselves to the battle field for the integrity of our motherland.