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来源:德育处 发布日期:2012-09-28













  The whole country is ready for celebrating the 63rd birthday of our great motherland, at dawn of the late autumn, with the solemn national flag’s rising, let’s wish for our motherland’s boom and glory .

  63 years is only a moment in humans history, but  the great changes has happened in our country. Nowadays, China’s influence has been more and more important to other countries. Recently the overall national strength has continually increased. The social productive force get unparalleled development. The quality of our people has reached well-off standard. We did face a number of disasters, but they didn’t destroy the spirit of Chinese people. Disasters have no mercy, but humans do. When disasters struck, help came from all sides. We solved them with love and courage.

  Liang Qichao said “If young people are wise, China will be wise; if young people are strong, China will be strong; if young people stand first in the world, China will stand first in the world ……”Yes, as the young people in the new century, as the hope of China, we need to work hard in order to repay the soldiers who laid down their lives for the revolution. Think about ourselves, it is so happy and lucky that we can gain knowledge in the bright classroom. We must cherish the precious happy life. Let’s temper our will and abilities in the storms and do our best for the prosperity of the motherland in the future! As the hope of China, we have a responsibility to link the history and the future and make our motherland a better place. So from now on, work hard and we can make the future of China more beautiful and splendid!

                      Class Seven, Grade Eight                 2012-09-17

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