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来源:德育处 发布日期:2012-04-11

    今年的47日,是第63个世界卫生日。自1950年将47日《组织法》正式生效的日子作为“世界卫生日”, 每年的世界卫生日活动都确定一个与公共卫生领域相关的特别的主题,旨在提高全世界对某一卫生领域的认识,借机发起一项长期宣传活动,促进在该领域工作的开展。虽然这一天已经过去,但是我们保护环境的行动却永远不能停止。


    当然,我们更要注重把行动落到实处。我认为我们应该从小做起,从自己做起,爱护身边的每一处环境,做到“不破坏,勤保护”。不经意间看到身边的人乱丢纸屑,大多数情况下我们都是视若不见,但我们没有想过:一片小小的纸屑能反映出一个人的道德水平与环保意识。如果我们每个人都随地乱丢垃圾,那我们的校园不就成为垃圾场了吗? 同学们,当你手中握有一张废纸或一个食品包装带,想一想如果你丢到地上的后果,会不会令周围路过的人感到厌恶,会不会破坏整洁的校园,会不会给他人带来麻烦?其实只要你多向前走几步,伸手将垃圾投入垃圾箱中,一切只不过是几步,但换来的却是他人的赞赏和钦佩的目光,于人于己都有益,你会为自己的行为感到骄傲,会有美好的心情度过快乐的一天。这一个小小的动作,也更是对我们满是疮痍的地球的温馨的呵护。俗话说:“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。”只要我们从生活的点点滴滴做起,就一定能使我们的地球重现昔日的美好。






Dear teachers and fellow students:

         Today we are here to talk about World Health Day.On April 7th,1950,World Health Assembly stipulated that April 7th should be time for World Health Day from that moment on..Every year,the organization designs a unique subject related to the field of public health to enhance human’s cognition.Despite April 7th ,2010 has gone,we must keep on taking steps to protect our environment.

         So,what can we do?It is of vital importance for us to take some everyday measures to make everybody comprehend the value of setting up World Health Day.Everyone has the obligation to do his bits for our school environment.For instance,when you see someone littering trash,we choose to ignore.Whereas we never notice that a little piece of paper reflects one’s level of morality.It’s more advisable to pick up the trash.That’s a piece of cake for you.

         As for us,it is high time we took the action.Only if we take effective steps to protect our environment now can we make the earth take on an ordinary look.Sono matter how demanding it is,we should bear in mind that there is only one earth in the universe.We’re greatly conviced that the world will be a cleaner one through the joint efforts of all of us.

         Thank you for listening.      

                                                   Class Four Senior Two

                                                   April 9th 2012


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