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来源:德育处 发布日期:2012-04-03









    同学们! 清明,我们与记忆同在,也与未来同行;我们为逝去而感怀,也为希望而憧憬、为未来而求索。





The  Qingming  Festival

With the warm sunshine and gentle breeze, the land is full of life again. As we know,  the  Qingming  Festival  is  coming.

The  Qingming  Festival  will remind us of that lofty hard times: when the old China  suffered the trauma of war and humiliation. When the country was in adversity, countless patriots stepped forward bravely. In order to strive for the independence of the motherland and national liberation,  they were willing to sacrifice themselves. Perhaps,  these heroes were ready to give up their lives when they chose the revolution , but at the same time, they will be remembered by Chinese forever.

We should also thank the Qingming Festival in memory of martyrs.Thanks to Qingming Festival, the brave Chinese can face up to life and death, understanding the value of life;Thanks to the Qingming Festival,the restless people can calm down to think about the past and the future.

Now we grow in a new era, having a rich life, contacting with the latest information resources, and piaying the network games. Maybe this era gives us too much pleasure and freedom . In the Qingming Festival, we  should  also think of something more meaningful: cherishing the beautiful youth and studying hard in order to master the skills and pursue the truth. We should not let  the parents and should teachers down and strive to become a useful person to society!

                                   八年五班    郭心童

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