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来源:德育处 发布日期:2012-03-07



                                     —— 从“爱耳日”说起                                  









    而你又是否曾想过,与我们一同生活在这个世界上的,还有太多人无法亲身感受萦绕耳边的律动,无法亲自倾听来自生命的脉搏。 听力障碍直接影响了人们的日常生活与心理健康,妨碍了其与外界的正常沟通和交流。







Good morning everybody,Can you hear me?

From the moment we were born,even before we were born,the world comes to us through sound.We learn to listen for our mother’s voice, we understand the encouraging tones as our family praise our early efforts at smiling, sitting up, walking and our venture into speech

However, have you ever stop and think about what your life would be if one day your ears failed to do their job properly.You are not able to feel the rhythm of life any more.You cant hear the cheers and applause from your classmates when you step up and hit the game winning three point shot in the final seconds in a basketball match ,you may not hear the most romantic word in the whole universe "I love u"from your beloved ones,you may never even hear your baby calling you "mommy"in her sweet voice when you have one.

There are a few things you need to know.Girls please pay attention!Your ears are more likely to get infected when you get a ear pierce because there are lots of bacteria live around them.Pierced ears may look cool, but infected ears do not!Its important to get your ears pierced by someone who knows how to do it correctly.You and your parents need to ask the people at the piercing shop the equipment they use and make sure that everything is clean,which means germs free. Everybody,dont turn up your headphones too loud.Again i-pod are cool!But hearing loss do not!Also,stay away from loud places like a heavy construction factory and buy ear muffs to keep your ears clean.

Oh,animals like cats can suffering hearing loss too.Cats with inner ear problems may walk in circles and fall down.So ,if you have a pet like a cat or a dog who develop ear diseases, remember they need special attention from you!

It has been said that we are living in a chaotic age.Think about it,its like we are living in a noisy house with a bunch of noisy neighbours.We shout in order to make ourselves heard.But our neighbours think exactly as we do so nobody can actually hear what others have to say.Its time to stop shouting and have a nice and peace conversation with your neighbour!

Just let you know,your ears matter,if you pretend not to care and if you lose them,you also lose the key to the outside marvelous world!And theres not a spare key for you.

Thank you very much.

Class three,Senior two.

Feb 27th,2012.

英文演讲:陈艾米 高二三班


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