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来源:德育处 发布日期:2011-12-21













Everybody can not forget that day,December,20th ,1999. It is a great, exciting moment.

Along with the cheerful melody, with home finally gratified smile, over hundred years vicissitudes of life, stepping into a new era of the heroic time, you came to us ... ...

Centuries of wind and rain, several hundred years of vicissitudes, setting within a greeting: Macao ah hope that you are well? Since then, Macao, finally able to start a new page of Macao is the ancient Chinese territory, after the middle of sixteenth Century gradually occupied by portugal. On that day, was the Portuguese occupied for more than 4 centuries in Macao, finally returned to the embrace of the motherland. Marks also the Chinese on the land of about 9600000 square kilometer, no colonial rule. For many years the wound healing, finally, in Chinese history, but left a scar.


After 12 years today, in the past, we cannot forget, because seeing scars, our heart will ache. But we cant let go, not proud, because we are by virtue of the increasingly powerful nation by peaceful means, let the land lost. Now in China, a play a decisive role in the international status and prestige; peace, harmony of the Chinese nation has earned respect in the world. We think of those for the founding of new China and fight a bloody battle predecessors, wearing shackles dance beautiful dance. Now, we have scars, also carrying the scar blooming brilliant sm.

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