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来源:德育处 发布日期:2011-10-27













Everyone faces their present and future in their lives, while the past will never be back, and all that is left is memory, impression or vagueness. Perhaps we all share the feeling that when we recall the past, we may find that our memory is actually a concoction of happiness, bitterness, and confusion.

However, the past has not really passed. It stores abundant experiences and is always a textbook worth reading. Self-examination is like carving jade. Only by tremendous amount of chiseling and polishing, and eliminating the flaws, can a jewel reveal its value, although it suffers piercing pain. The same can be said of life. That is to say, self-examination is a process of improving ourselves, during which we gain the enlightenment from disappointment and failures and rectify mistakes, in order to pursue a better success in future. Conversely, if we refuse to question ourselves, we will only add to the pain and sink deeper and deeper in the swamp of failure.

American president Lincoln used to fail twice in business and seven times in the elections of Senator. However, he has never been defeated. Instead, he faced the difficulties with profound courage and persistence, avoiding his disadvantages and utilizing his dominance to keep on striving. According to statistics, Abraham Lincoln has failed 35 times in total in his whole life, compared to merely three times of success. The third time was when he was selected to be the president of the United States of America. Thus, we may conclude that, self-examination is the cornerstone of success.

Recalling on the past can cultivate our taste, broaden our horizon, and boost our thoughts. What’s more, it can help us to find out the interior sailing directions towards our destinations, go beyond the bond of blunders, and confront life with a more relaxed attitude.

With the approaching of mid-term examination, we will be tested on both our knowledge and determination. It requires not only our positive attitude and eternal efforts, but also our reflection on the past. Indulging in the past failure, one will continuously fall behind and get lost in competition. The key to success lies in a rational approach to the result and a deep analysis. We should grasp the opportunity of this examination to further reflect on ourselves and, thus, become wiser. In the end, we sincerely wish everyone good luck in mid-term examination!


Class 3,Senior 1

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