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20160328国旗下演讲——强化安全意识 提高避险能力

来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-04-05











Dear teachers and schoolmates,

Good morning!

In order to protect students as well as decrease the percentage of accidents happening on campus, the State Education Commission announced the last Monday of March will be Safety Education Day.

Life is precious and wonderful and safety is the guarantee to it. According to a national survey, there are more than 40 students being killed by accidents every day. Therefore, it is necessary for us to know how to protect ourselves and keep away from danger. Thus, we should do as follows:

First of all, pay attention to the safety on campus. Make sure to walk slowly and quietly on the right-hand side on the stairs. In some large gatherings and crowded places , we should listen to the teachers and the people in charge.

Then, pay attention to traffic safety. On the way home we should obey the traffic rules. If you go by bus, don’t put your hands or head out of the window.

Thirdly, pay attention to food safety. Don’t buy food at small food stalls or have insanitary food or drinks. Don’t eat expired food and make sure you are not buying the food without expiring date, address and the name of the producer.

Fourthly, pay attention to Internet safety. Don’t log on illegal websites and don’t be addicted to online games. Do not spread rumors, and always obey the online rules.

Lastly, learn to control personal emotions and be kind to others. Give a hand to people who are in need. For some problems which we aren’t able to solve by ourselves, ask our teachers or parents for help.

Let’s protect ourselves and families and build a safer campus. Get more safety knowledge and improve the abilities against danger. Let happiness and safety always be with us in our life.

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