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来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-03-15











三月的这些为数众多的节日, 我们粗略了解一下他们的背景与发展历史也是会受益匪浅的,以此为契机,得以提升知识面与人格修养。在三月这个值得庆贺的月份里,让我们努力向成为一名熟识各类文化,兼容并包的新型国民方向努力吧。


Dear teachers and schoolmates,

good morning! Today our topic is the festivals in March. Two days ago, we spend Jingzhe peacefully, a term of the division of the year, according to Chinese Lunar calendar, which represents that there will soon be warm breezes, lively green leaves and blooming flowers. March is a month full of vitality, resembling the beginning of beautiful things, so Chinese people’d like to celebrate various festivals in March.

First of all, in the first ten-day period, we have Women’s Day and Learn from Leifeng Day. Leifeng’s spirit is so great that it still shines today. We, teenagers, should put it into practice so that our society will be more harmonious. After Learn from Leifeng Day, here comes Women’s Day, which is the symbol of women getting their rights in our history. Especially, there are many women teachers in our school who deserve our respect and appreciation. Let’s say happy Women’s Day to them!

Moreover, the midmonth is exciting as well. Tree Planting Day falls on the twelfth of March to memorize Mr. Sun Zhongshan, dated from nineteen twenty eight so it’s also his death anniversary.

Last but not least, Chunfen falls on March the twentieth this year. Swallows used to be seen everywhere in spring, but it’s a pity that our city has developed too much to hear swallows chatting. To improve the environmental quality, another action is taken in Marchswitching off the lights for one hour between eight thirty pm to nine thirty pm. This action was suggested by WWF, aimed at relieving climate crises threatening all creatures on earth.

In addition, there are also International Seal’s Day, Easter and many other festivals in March. It’s hard to include them all in only one speech. Let’s be energetic and create a wonderful time in March!

Thank you for listening, Class one Senior two, March the seventh, two thousand and sixteen.

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