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201512216国旗下演讲—篮球精神 体育之魂

来源:德育处 发布日期:2016-01-07






 On December 21ST ,the first basketball match was held, and from then on, Dec. 21st was chosen as the International Basketball Day. It seems that the basketball was born to be a symbol of youth. The court gives us a place to free ourselves and increase muscle strength, the ball give us a sense of steadiness which can be grasped in our hands, the team gives us brothers who help and trust each other, while the opponent gives us the motivation to move forward fearlessly. Gradually, we combine our youth with basketball.

 However, as a famous saying goes: The one who wants to wear the crown must bear the weight. For the glory and cheer, one must sacrifice his comfort and leisure. I think Kobe Bryant is a good example. Kobe has led his team to so many champions, and has won the MVP for several times. As an NBA star, while every one adores his outstanding talent, endless wealth and the reputation precedes him, have you ever recognized his diligence and hard work? Everyday, for 20 years, he starts training at 4AM in the morning and never leaves the gym until he gets 1000 shots. He runs up and down every court, suffering from the injuries on his wrists, legs and ankles. It’s not only because of his toughness, but also the enthusiasm from the bottom of his heart. He runs through the sweat and wound, not because challenge calls him, but because basketball calls him. Until now, his career comes to an end, but his legend never does. Kobe will be remembered forever, for he has taught us the spirit of sport: never give up, unite as one, and then devote all your effort, sincerity and youth to what you love.

Bonjour, tout le monde.

Le 21 décembre est la journée internationale du basketball. Le basketball est le symbole des jeunes, surtout, c'est aussi la disposition entre les gens et les balls. Le véritable esprit du sport est si tu as fait tous tes efforts, pas simplement gagner des prix.


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