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来源:德育处 发布日期:2015-10-19









Good morning:dear teachers and schoolmates,

today the topic of my speech is"More attention to food production and conservation " To arouse global attention to food production and development, October 16th was established as the World Food Day by the United Nations in 1981.

AS we all know that China has a large population,but not enough cultivated land. To feed more than one billion people has been one of the biggest challenges of for the Chinese government. Over the past 30 years, we managed to build a set of agricultural system, promote new technology of agriculture.However,China's grain shortfall began to increase again, China is recently becoming the world's largest food importer. The reasons are not hard to imagine:horrendous  waste.

A new research show that food we wasted last year worth up to 200 billion yuan, while the global food wasted each year is as high as 1.3 billion tons.

Thrifty is part of our traditional virtue, we should inherit it and carry it forward. I suggest that we start to do some of the followings in our daily life:To order the amount of food you eat.If you really don’t like the school lunch,try to bring some food from home instead of leaving a big amount of leftovers at school.Please also stop others from the unnecessary wastes of food.

Although we don’t take part in the food production now,but to save food also shows our respect to the labours,shows our wish of solving the food problem.

Thank you for listening.

October 12th 2015

Class 3 Junior 3

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