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来源:德育处 发布日期:2014-12-22









高二二班宣 20141110

With the promotion of the Third Science and Technology Revolution, we may have a growing number of accesses to obtaining information than before. Wherever we are, shuttling in the metro, lying in the sofa, hanging around the department stores, we can look through hundreds of thousands of breaking news provided by network service immediately.

However, the rapid growth of the Internet also leads to a huge explosion of information. A mass of illusory reports and biased articles written by irresponsible journalists may flood our mind and guide individuals’ opinions unconsciously. So how to get valuable information through media rapidly and accurately is more and more significant.

First of all, we should get used to obtaining lately articles with investigation from formal media platforms, since official news reports are supposed to be more precise and verified.

Meanwhile, there’s no doubt that following others’ opinions as well as the guidance of the public are not clear-sighted. As an old saying: Don’t let your mind become others’ racetrack.That is to say, we need to analyze whether the events are reliable or not, and writers’ views are reasonable or not. After a deep consideration on our own, eventually we’ll find useful information and keep proper attitude towards different directions. 

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