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崇尚科学 勇于探索——纪念诺贝尔诞辰

来源:德育处 发布日期:2013-10-29











Dear teachers and fellow schoolmates:

    Good morning.

    On the same day as today in 1833, a brilliant scientist was born. And the one is Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

    There is also a prize given to the scientists who have made the greatest contribution named after him. It is known as the Nobel Prize, which encourages more and more scientists to be even more hard-working in their fields. So famous as Madam Curie from Poland and Chinese-American professor Cui Qi who made contribution to the quantum physics, to name just a few. Those facts show us that the love of science is the light that leads us to success. Science is just like a precious jewelry, attracting thousands of people putting hearts and souls into it.

    Not as outstanding as Newton and Einstein, we middle school students are still too young to get so many remarkable achievements, we are still learning simple things in our daily lives. But what we can do is to learn knowledge step by step, and have a heart of never giving up on our further studies!

    Only nations that value science can be the competitive ones. Worshiping science and being brave to face troubles would make us refresh and improve the way of creation. And I believe all we did above could continuously trigger more and more powerful energy of our national technology development.

    Thank you for your listening!

    Class 3 Senior 1


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