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感悟中秋 呼吁和平

来源:德育处 发布日期:2013-09-18








Thoughts of peace on mid-Autumn Festival

  August 15th in lunar calendar is our traditional mid-Autumn Festival which is also the second popular traditional festival in our country. August 15th is in the middle of autumn and that's where the name came from.

  As a tradition, people eat moon cakes, visit their relatives and friends and share the beauty of the moon during this wonderful time. What's more, they enjoy the happiness of gathering with the whole family.

  It must have reminded us of the graceful verse"Though miles apart, could men but live forever dreaming they shared this moonlight endlessly!" when we look up into the moon on mid-Autumn Festival eve. The great poet Su Shi expressed his remembrance and blessing of his friends and relatives with the help of the moon, making us cherish even more of this strong gathering atmosphere.

  But my dear fellows, have you ever thought of how many people may live a life of horror, pain, and sadness brought by war and chaos but acompanied by the beautiful and clear moon at the same time? To us, peace is what we call reality. But to those who live in a terrifying war or conflict, peace is what they have been longing for their whole life.

  Two days after the mid-Autumn festival (in Gregorian calendar) is the International Peace Day which is on September 21th. The same time as we have the right to enjoy the gathering moment of mid-Autumn Festival and the peaceful life from our country, it is even more important for us to call on peace for every corner in the world. Let’s give our best try for opposing any sort of activity that is defined as peace damaging/ruining and wish the fairy blue bird shall be ever flying in the sky of peace.

  Thank you for your listening.

                                         Class 1, Senior 1

                                             Sep. 16th, 2013


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