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AP and I---My first Halloween 李心Steven

来源:国际部 发布日期:2014-06-05

  Taking part in AP centre for only four months, I went through an enjoyable time. Before I became a high school student, I had always dreamt of having an unforgettable experience. Luckily, I met many good classmates and professional teachers, so that was my dream came true.

  As one of those active students, I took part in almost all activities, such as the Halloween Festival, Christmas, English Debate competition, NASA Competition and so on. What gave me the deepest impression was the Halloween festival. As a traditional Chinese student, I was new in TFLS, so it was my first time to celebrate Halloween, a western festival. As a result, I had much interest in it. Since I hadn’t known all the classmates well yet, it was also a good time to understand each other. To celebrate the festival, we would decorate a “haunted house”. Although it was a bit difficult, we started soon.

  We bought many scary things to make the house “haunted”. Thanks to all the teachers’ help, we finished it in the morning. During the exercise time, we put on our costumes and showed them to school. As we were relaxing ourselves, our principle, Mr. Cooper invited all the students to AP center. We realized the real challenges came. We invited our head teacher Miss Diao to try our hunted house first, and she was excited to join in such an activity, too. What’s more, we also invited other teachers. At that time, everyone was busy doing their own job, for example, some students were hiding in the house to scare those visitors. My job was to stand outside the building keeping the visitors in order, as well as being taken photos with others. My costume was from Harry Potter and it was cool. Maybe you could think my job was easy, but in fact, it was hard, too.

  As soon as the opening time reached, loads of students came in. I could say that the visitors would take up all the space in AP centre without exaggerating. Because there were too many students, we decided to open it for a longer time. After the whole day, I got a hoarse voice. Everyone was exhausted but happy. This was my first time joining such a big activity and I would say thank you to all the teachers and students. I also understood what the real happiness is: Happiness is what you get from what you do.


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